First of all we wish you a succcessful 2018-2019 academic year.
A workshop called “Handmade paper and its implementations” will be organised jointly by ARUCAD and Cyprus Paper Artists Association (KKSD) between September 11-14, 2018.
11 September 2108 Tuesday: Opening of the event
Speaker: İsmet Tatar (KKVD power point presentation)
Seminar: History of paper and paper art
Speaker: İnci Kansu
Shredding of paper by hands
12 September 2018 Wednesday: Preparation of paper clay, control of the materials
13 September 2018, Thursday : Start of production, single colour paper production
14 September 2018, Friday: Implementation of different techniques
- Single colur paper production
- Coloured paper production
- Liquid peinture
All events will start at 10.00 in the morning.
Maximum number of participants is 15 persons. You can make a reservation for participation at the workshop by calling 0533 8509654 . All art lovers can attend as viewers.