
Handmade Paper and its Practices Workshop


First of all we wish you a succcessful 2018-2019 academic year.

A workshop called “Handmade paper and its implementations” will be organised jointly by ARUCAD and Cyprus Paper Artists Association (KKSD) between September 11-14, 2018.


11 September 2108 Tuesday: Opening of the event

Speaker: İsmet Tatar (KKVD power point presentation)

Seminar: History of paper and paper art

Speaker: İnci Kansu

Shredding of paper by hands

12 September 2018 Wednesday: Preparation of paper clay, control of the materials

13 September 2018, Thursday : Start of production, single colour paper production

14 September 2018, Friday: Implementation of different techniques


  1. Single colur paper production
  2. Coloured paper production
  3. Liquid peinture

All events will start at 10.00 in the morning.

Maximum number of participants is 15 persons. You can make a reservation for participation at the workshop by calling 0533 8509654 . All art lovers can attend as viewers.

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