
Pre-registrations have started

Dear prospective students,

We would like to congratulate all that were successful in our university’s Scholarship & Aptitude Exam that took place between 10th-12th June 2019.

In this respect, all prospective students are required to make a pre-registration with the below documents to the Student Affairs office of ARUCAD in person. Registrations will commence on 12th July 2019.

Required documents:

  1. High-school diploma
  2. Government issue ID card
  3. Six passport size pictures
  4. Certificate of residence (acquired form the regional reeve)
  5. Receipt or bank statement that shows proof of payment

For further information on exam results please visit https://www.arucad.edu.tr/duyurular/burs-ve-yetenek-sinavi-sonuclari-aciklandi/

or alternatively, call +90(392) 650 6555

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