615 Arguments on Cultural Management and Entrepreneurship (3-0)3
The Arguments on Cultural Management course is an introduction to the Cultural Management graduate program and its subjects. Aiming to present cultural management to the student in all aspects of public and private sector, this course proceeds on the basis of concepts, structures and suggestions. Based on the theoretical framework of the culture industry and management science, it deals with the knowledge that a cultural manager and entrepreneur is expected to have in a critical and analytical framework. In addition, students are expected to develop innovative and creative suggestions on existing cultural structures in the light of the knowledge gained in this course and to turn these suggestions into an essay article through an academic research. Turkey's current cultural actors in the international cultural scene and staying the course and become argumentative.
Reference Books:
- Adorno, Theodor W. & Horkheimer, Max, Dialectic of Enlightenment, Verso, New York, 1997
- Adorno, Theodor W., The Culture Industry: Selected Essays on Mass Culture, J. M. Bernstein (ed.), Routledge, London, 1996
- Hagoort, Giep, Cultural Entrepreneurship, on the freedom to create art and the freedom of enterprise, Inaugural Lecture, Utrecht University, Utrecht, 2007
CULT 617 Cultural Economy (3-0)3
The aim of this course is to develop a theoretical and practical understanding of the economic aspects of arts and culture, and to provide an understanding of the economically strong and disadvantaged sides of the cultural sectors. After discussing issues such as global and national cultural statistics, the role of culture in economic growth and development, the relationship of cultural policy with cultural economy, the economic organization and functioning of various cultural industries will be examined in depth.
Reference Books:
- Ginsburgh, V. & Throsby, C. (2006). Handbook of the economics of art and culture. Amsterdam Boston Mass: Elsevier North-Holland.
- Heilbrun, J. & Gray, C. (2001). The economics of art and culture. New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Towse, R. (2019). A textbook of cultural economics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
CULT 619 Museum Management (3-0)3
The aim of this course is to teach the management practices, processes and elements in public and private museums in the context of the relationship between museums and administrative authority.
Basic concepts of museum management in the content of the course; museum systems; museums and related legislation according to the management authority; management models and strategic management; museum staff and job descriptions will be examined.
Reference Books:
- Lord, G. & Lord, B. (2009). The manual of museum management. Lanham, MD: AltaMira Press.
- Genoways, H., Ireland, L. & Legutko, C. (2017). Museum administration 2.0. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
- Genoways, H. & Ireland, L. (2003). Museum administration : an introduction. Walnut Creek, Calif: Altamira Press.
CULT 621 Stage and Performing Arts Management (3-0)3
The course primarily examines performing arts policies in Europe and identifies different models. Comparatively deals with the management of festivals, institutions and organizations in the field of performing and performing arts that are prominent locally and in the world. Throughout the course, students analyze festivals, institutions and venues in terms of topics such as programming, production, financial management, marketing, resource development, venue-human resource management, and touring.
Reference Books:
- Allworth Press, 2004 Ian Yeoman, Festivals and Events Management, London, Elsevier
- Butterworth-Heinemann, 2004 State on stage: the impact of public policies on the performing arts in Europe, Amsterdam : Boekmanstudies , 2008.
- Stein, T. & Bathurst, J. (2008). Performing arts management : a handbook of professional practices. New York: Allworth Press.
CULT 623 Strategy and Human Resources Management (3-0)3
The aim of this course is to examine the main issues that affect the strategic decisions to be made by HR managers. Identifying the needs of employees, who are the primary stakeholders of organizations, aligning these needs with environmental constraints, evaluating strategic option alternatives, and issues regarding organizational change programs will be addressed from a holistic strategic management perspective. During the course, case studies will be discussed and written to improve students' ability to grasp important issues related to strategic HR management.
Reference Books:
- Barney and Hesterly (2012), Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage, Prentice Hall, N.J.
- Legge, K. (1995), Human Resources Management: Rhetorics and Realities, McMillan Business, England Supplementary Text Books
- Johnson, G., Whittington, R., and Scholes, K. (2012), Exploring Strategy, Prentice Hall, London.
CULT 625 Entrepreneurship (3-0)3
By addressing the dynamics and processes of an enterprise, the course aims to support students' entrepreneurial capacities, individually or within the institution. The course, which starts with the discussion of entrepreneurship in economics literature and a short history, deals with the process of turning a business idea into a successful business from beginning to end. In the course, in which the characteristics of entrepreneurs are examined, it is aimed to create an awareness about the different aspects and dimensions of entrepreneurship, to examine the infrastructure conditions that lead to the formation and development of entrepreneurship, and to teach how to prepare business plans. It aims to identify the areas that should be developed by realizing the individual's entrepreneurial capacity.
Reference Books:
- Ries, E. (2011). The lean startup : how constant innovation creates radically successful businesses. London New York: Portfolio Penguin.
- Thiel, P. & Masters, B. (2014). Zero to one : notes on startups, or how to build the future. London: Virgin Books.
- Stutely, R. (2002). The definitive business plan : the fast-track to intelligent business planning for executives and entrepreneurs. London New York: Financial Times Prentice Hall.
CULT 618 Social Responsibility and Sustainability (3-0)3
In this course, the concepts of ethics and responsibility in historical perspective, its connection with ethical theories and real life practices, sustainability and business practices, corporate citizenship, stakeholders, sustainability-oriented corporate strategy, economic / social / environmental impact, reporting and auditing, international documents and standards. will be discussed.
Reference Books:
- Baron, D. (2013). Business and its environment. Boston: Pearson.
- Carroll, A., Brown, J. & Buchholtz, A. (2018). Business & society : ethics, sustainability, and stakeholder management. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.
- Crane, A. & Matten, D. (2004). Business ethics, a European perspective : managing corporate citizenship and sustaintability in the age of globalization. Oxford New York: Oxford University Press.
CULT 620 Analysis of Culture and Art Sectors (3-0)3
This course aims to teach students from different branches of cultural industries and creative economics; Each period focuses on a specific area within the cultural sector in order to introduce them with broadcasting, performing arts, film industry, music, etc. and to gain a critical perspective through activities / institutions and their analysis. The course begins with the fundamentals of the research process (problem determination, literature review, hypothesis creation, measurement and data collection, data analysis and interpretation of results), giving information about the construction of a research and basic scientific methods (qualitative and quantitative), the necessary tools for research and It aims to enable students to critically analyze the cultural sector by teaching methods.
Reference Books:
- Lessig, L. (2008). Remix : making art and commerce thrive in the hybrid economy. New York: Penguin Press.
- Abbing, H. (2002). Why are artists poor? : the exceptional economy of the arts. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
- Frey, B. (2003). Arts & economics : analysis & cultural policy. Berlin New York: Springer.
CULT 622 Culture Industries and Creative Industries (3-0)3
Creative Industries is a new concept that includes media-cinema, television, radio, visual and performing arts, graphics, fashion, industrial design, digital arts and new media. The course will attempt to bridge these industries and highlight the vital role of creative industries in economic and social renewal.
Reference Books:
- Connor, J. & Wynne, D. (1996). From the margins to the centre : cultural production and consumption in the post- industrial city. Aldershot, Hants, England Brookfield, Vt: Arena Ashgate Pub.
- Nonaka, I. (2008) The Knowledge-Creating Company, Harvard Business Review Press
- Krogh, George, Kazuo Ichijō, and Ikujirō Nonaka. Enabling knowledge creation : how to unlock the mystery of tacit knowledge and release the power of innovation. Oxford New York: Oxford University Press, 2000. Print.
CULT 624 Legal Issues in Art and Culture Management (3-0)3
This course aims to introduce students to the basic legal concepts required in the fields of culture and arts management. Within the scope of the course, copyright and intellectual property, contract law and contracts, business relations between artists and institutions, artists' rights, etc. that concern artists, art and cultural managers. Issues that are of close interest to all stakeholders working and taking part in the field of arts, such as, will be focused on. At the end of the course, students are expected to master the differences between general/commercial law and art law and the legal dimensions of arts and cultural management.
Reference Books:
- Richman, Jennifer R., and Marion Forsyth. Legal perspectives on cultural resources. Walnut Creek, Calif: Altamira Press, 2004. Print.
- Crawford, Tad. Business and legal forms for fine artists. New York: Allworth Press, 2014. Print.
- Crawford, Tad, and Susan Mellon. The artist-gallery partnership : a practical guide to consigning art. New York: Allworth Press, 2008. Print.
CULT 626 Financial Tools for Art and Culture (3-0)3
This course, in which budgeting, budget tracking, tax and related legislation are discussed on the basis of different structures (for-profit or non-profit) institutions active in the field of culture and arts, aims to provide students with a basic accounting notion. The course is based on examples from different institutions and activities from the cultural sector.
Reference Books:
- Carey, Brainard. Making it in the art world : new approaches to galleries, shows, and raising money. New York: Allworth Press, 2011. Print.
- Carey, Brainard. New markets for artists : how to sell, fund projects, and exhibit using social media, DIY pop-ups, eBay, Kickstarter, and much more. New York: Allworth Press, 2012. Print.
- Goins, Jeff. Real artists don't starve : timeless strategies for thriving in the new creative age. Nashville, Tennessee: Nelson Books, an imprint of Thomas Nelson, 2017. Print.
CULT 628 Curatorial Studies (3-0)3
Who is a curator? In this course, which is based on the basic meanings of curating, what it involves and how it has improved over time, it is expected that they will learn about "curator" and curating. In addition, examples of curatorial works will be given through museum studies, festivals, exhibitions and biennials. The project will be created by choosing one of the different disciplines, individually or in groups of two, and will be presented at the final. With this, it is aimed to gain knowledge about the way of working of a curator, albeit utopian, and to experience his process by doing research.
Reference Books:
- Spaid, Sue. The philosophy of curatorial practice : between work and the world. London, UK New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020. Print.
- Reilly, Maura, and Lucy R. Lippard. Curatorial activism : towards an ethics of curating. London: Thames & Hudson, 2018. Print.
- George, Adrian. The curator's handbook : museums, commercial galleries, independent spaces. New York: Thames & Hudson, 2015. Print.