
ARUCAD English Preparatory School Receives EAQUALS Accreditation

After a rigorous audit conducted by the prestigious international accreditation organisation, Evaluation and Accreditation of Quality Language Services (EAQUALS), the English Preparatory School of Arkın University of Creative Arts and Design (ARUCAD) has received accreditation

EAQUALS oversees language institutions around the world and aims to promote excellence in foreign language education by providing opportunities for foreign language professionals to share their ideas and develop themselves professionally. EAQUALS only accredits institutions that meet rigorous teaching and learning standards in English language education.

The EAQUALS audit team, visited the ARUCAD Campus between 24-25 May 2022 and assessed the Preparatory School through meetings with students and academicians.

ARUCAD English Preparatory School achieved a significant success by attaining excellence in five main categories in its audit report. The EAQUALS audit report and decision letter reported that the Preparatory School met the assessment criteria in the following areas:

Qualified English teachers

  • Effective and enjoyable teaching and learning
  • A clearly defined English learning programme
  • Accurate and meaningful evaluation processes
  • Appropriate facilities and resources
  • Effective arrangements for student welfare and out-of-class services
  • Clear, accurate and complete information regarding the services offered

Discussing the success of the English Preparatory School, ARUCAD Rector, Prof. Dr. Asım Vehbi said, “While we are excited to have our first graduates this year, we are also delighted that our English Preparatory School has been accredited, with top grades, by an international institution as a result of the audits carried out by the EAQUALS team from UK. With this accreditation, ARUCAD has once again shown that it is proceeding in its mission of becoming a world-class university. It is a source of great pride for us to be accredited by a well-known and prestigious organisation such as EAQUALS. I congratulate all our academicians and administrative staff, especially the director and instructors of the English Preparatory School, and thank them for their devoted work.”



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