In the webinar “Consumer Electronics Design” organised by the Faculty of Design at Arkın University of Creative Arts and Design (ARUCAD), Industrial Product Designer, Tobia Repossi shared 10 design questions which could be considered as a guidebook of design on matters that can make or break a new product.
The webinar, moderated by, ARUCAD Industrial Design Department faculty member Assist. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Martina Callegaro, was broadcast live on ARUCAD’s Facebook page and YouTube channel.
Tobia Repossi, who has twenty years of experience in furniture, electronic device and industrial product design and whose products are offered for sale in famous stores such as the Apple Store, gave a presentation on “Consumer Electronics Design”where he offered 10 recommendations and examples related to applications that Industrial Designers can utilise.
In the webinar, which provided an opportunity to be inspired by the product design experience of Tobia Repossi, who has decades of experience as a world-class professional interior and industrial designer and who has worked in China, the USA and Europe, Repossi said, “Following these 10 “steps” or “rules” that I have underlined here, “any product can be successful in the market and have a longer life cycle,” he said.
Those wishing to watch the webinar again can access ARUCAD’s Facebook page and YouTube channel.