The first production of Arkin University of Creative Arts and Design (ARUCAD), the short animated film named ‘CORONUS’ written and directed by Arvin Medghalchi, a lecturer at the Department of Visual Communication Design, became the winner of the Top Artistic Achievement category at the Horror Film Awards Film Festival held in Canada.
The movie ‘CORONUS’ tells the story of a man who is chased by the virus itself during a virus epidemic and quarantine. Throughout the film, viewers question whether what, in this situation, the main character is experiencing is a mind-set.
The short animated film ‘CORONUS’, shot during the quarantine caused by the Covid-19 epidemic, deals with fear and accepting the ugly reality of the current situation. The movie “CORONUS”, which is named after the words “Corona – Us” associated with the Covid-19 epidemic that affects us all at the same level, shows how we deal with the reality that we have to accept.,
Arvin Medghalchi, an ARUCAD Visual Communication Design Department lecturer, is the scriptwriter and director of the ARUCAD Production ‘CORONUS’ Film, and the music design was undertaken by Gianmarco Bozoğlu.
Selected among 3,000 short films at the 12th Lobo International Film Festival of Brazil, “CORONUS” was the Official Selection of the 4th Chaniartoon – International Comic Book and Animation Festival and the “Horror Movie Awards” in America. The film continues to tour international festivals.
Who is Arvin Medghalchi?
He is an Iranian director and illustrator. He is a graduate of Visual Arts and Visual Communication Design and has over 15 years of experience in directing independent animated films. He is known for stop-motion type animations that have been shown and received awards in many international film festivals. His area of interest is to use different techniques in visual storytelling to achieve the best results. He has been working as an academic at ARUCAD Faculty of Communication since 2017.