Having previously won the championship in the men’s category at the 23rd University Sports Games in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), the...
Officials from the Civil Defense Organization paid a courtesy visit to Arkın University of Creative Arts and Design (ARUCAD) Rector, Prof. Dr. Asım Vehbi. During the meeting, Civil...
The short film Parallel Poles, produced by Arkın University of Creative Arts and Design (ARUCAD) and directed by ARUCAD Vice Rector and Film Design...
Arkin University of Creative Arts and Design (ARUCAD) successfully held the fifth edition of its Workshops Week for high school students, a three-day event...
President of Nicosia Badminton Club, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nevzad Denerel, visited Arkın University of Creative Arts and Design (ARUCAD) Rector, Prof. Dr. Asım Vehbi,...
The graduates of the Plastic Arts Department at ARUCAD for the Fall Semester of the 2024-2025 Academic Year have presented their personal exhibitions, prepared...
Graduates of the Plastic Arts Department at Arkın University of Creative Arts and Design (ARUCAD) for the 2024-2025 Fall Semester have presented their personal...
The Faculty of Communication at Arkın University of Creative Arts and Design (ARUCAD) convened with key industry stakeholders to explore collaboration opportunities, assess the...
Organized by the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) Creative Industries Council and hosted by the Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce...
Arkın University of Creative Arts and Design (ARUCAD) organized a training program on glass and ceramics for branch teachers from Atatürk Vocational High School....