
International Accreditation


Turkey Council of Higher Education
 TRNC Higher Education Inspection and Accreditation Council
https://www.yok.gov.tr/en http://yodak.gov.ct.tr/


This year, agreements have been implemented with two prestigious universities from Italy and France for student exchange programs and for providing scholarships and registration facilitation in postgraduate programs for ARUCAD graduates.

 UK ENIC  THE – The Higher Education


Mediterranean and Middle East UniversityNetwork Agreement

International Association of Universities and

Colleges of Art, Design and Media


Community of Mediterranean Universities

International Council of Design

http://www.cmungo.eu/ https://www.theicod.org/

European Association for Architectural Education

European Communication Research and Education Association

https://www.eaae.be/ https://www.ecrea.eu/

European Fine Arts Schools Association

Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World

https://elia-artschools.org/ https://www.fumi-fuiw.org/

Evaluation and Accreditation of Quality Language Services

Azerbaijan State of Culture and Arts

https://www.eaquals.org https://www.admiu.edu.az
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