Student Clubs

Social activities, clubs, events, societies and excursions at our university provide our students with various value-added benefits and invaluable gains. These benefits and gains are as follows:

  • To be included in a multicultural environment and to benefit from diversity.
  • Developing interpersonal and intercultural relations.
  • Developing leadership skills and adapting to the team by taking part in organizations.
  • Discovering and learning about the local culture.
  • Representing and promoting their own country and culture.
  • Making new friends and having a rich and full university experience.
  • Learning to see the place they belong to through different eyes.
  • Learning to evaluate social relations in the context of culture, space and society.

In addition to the academic identities of the universities, the social activities offered to the students and the opportunities to participate in these activities are also very important. To this end, our University has 5 student clubs. In these clubs, students with similar interests and abilities can come together, have a social sharing together, and at the same time produce with the same enthusiasm in an environment where they meet with a common goal.

Student clubs, which play an important role in ARUCAD’s social life, grow, become stronger and more productive every year with the participation of students. Our students can take part in any club they wish, contribute to activities with different responsibilities, and also start new clubs with their friends with whom they have common ideas and shared interests. Therefore, all ARUCAD students are strongly encouraged to actively participate in our extracurricular, social activities.

Our currently available student clubs at ARUCAD are as follows;

  • Photography Club
  • Drama Club
  • Cinema Club
  • Dance Club
  • Music Club

For detailed information about clubs and societies, / 1006