Industrial Design

The knowledge and skills gained will provide our graduates with career opportunities in both national and international businesses


Our graduates will have the skills to work in such areas as product design (kitchen and household appliances, white goods, furniture, lighting, packaging, toys, glassware, etc.), automotive and yacht design, interior architecture, digital media, product and design management as well as in education and in research in R&D centres.

Programme Type

Bachelor Degree


4 Years

Head of Department

Asst. Prof. Dr. Emre Günal

Academic Staff

Asst. Prof. Dr. Emre Günal

Head of Department

Prof. Dr. Burcu Toker

Asst. Prof. Dr. Martina Callegaro

Dr. Burçin Saltık

1. Semester
Course Code Course Title T P Cr ECTS
INDD 101 Studio 1 2 8 6 9
INAD 109 Research Methods & Discourses 2 2 3 5
INAD 107 Cultural & Contextual Studies 1 3 0 3 4
INAD 103 Design Communication 1 2 2 3 6
SOFL 101 Academic English 1 3 0 3 4
INDD 001 Colloquium 1 0 0 0 2
Total 18 30
2. Semester
Course Code Course Title T P Cr ECTS
INDD 102 Studio 2 2 8 6 9
INAD 104 Design Communication 2 2 2 3 5
INAD 108 Cultural & Contextual Studies 2 3 0 3 4
INAD 110 Detailing Design Thinking 2 2 3 3
INDD 108 Form, Function and Energy 2 2 3 3
SOFL 102 Academic English 2 3 0 3 4
INDD 002 Colloquium 2 0 0 0 2
Total 21 30
3. Semester
Course Code Course Title T P Cr ECTS
INDD 201 Studio 3 2 8 6 9
INAD 209 Cultural and Contextual Studies 3 3 0 3 4
INDD 211 Materials, Production and Processes 2 2 3 3
INDD 205 Prototypes and Model making 1 4 3 3
INAD 203 Digital Tools in Design 1 2 2 3 3
INAD 207 Environment and Design 1 2 2 2
TURK 201 Turkish Language 1 2 0 2 2
HIST 201 History of Ataturk Principles and Revolutions 1 2 0 2 2
INDD 003 Colloquium 3 0 0 0 2
Total 24 30
4. Semester
Course Code Course Title T P Cr ECTS
INDD 202 Studio 4 2 8 6 8
INAD 212 Digital Tools in Design 2 2 2 3 3
INDD 210 Fab Lab Studio 1 2 2 2
INAD 204 Human Factors and Ergonomics 2 0 2 2
INDD 214 Internship 1 0 0 0 5
XXXX XXX Faculty Elective 1 2 2 3 5
TURK 202 Turkish Language 2 2 0 2 2
HIST 202 History of Ataturk Principles and Revolutions 2 2 0 2 2
INDD 004 Colloquium 4 0 0 0 1
Total 20 30
5. Semester
Course Code Course Title T P Cr ECTS
INDD 301 Studio 5 2 8 6 9
XXXX XXX Faculty Elective 2 2 2 3 5
XXXX XXX Faculty Elective 3 2 2 3 5
XXXX XXX Department Elective 1 2 2 3 5
XXXX XXX Department Elective 2 2 2 3 5
INDD 005 Colloquium 5 0 0 0 1
Total 18 30
6. Semester
Course Code Course Title T P Cr ECTS
INDD 302 Studio 6 2 8 6  7
INDD 308 Advance Technologies in Design 1 2 2 2
INDD 306 Internship 2 0 0 0 5
XXXX XXX University Elective 1 2 2 3 5
XXXX XXX Department Elective 3 2 2 3 5
XXXX XXX Department Elective 4 2 2 3 5
INDD 006 Colloquium 6 0 0 0 1
Total 17 30
7. Semester
Course Code Course Title T P Cr ECTS
INDD 401 Final Major Project Proposal 2 6 5 10
INDD 403 Experimental Studio 2 8 6 9
XXXX XXX Department Elective 5 2 2 3 5
XXXX XXX Faculty Elective 4 2 2 3 5
INDD 007 Colloquium 7 0 0 0 1
Total 17 30
8. Semester
Course Code Course Title T P Cr ECTS
INDD 450 Final Major Project 2 12 8 12
INAD 404 Professional Portfolio Design and Presentation Techniques 1 2 2 4
INAD 408 Digital Technologies in Design 1 4 3 4
XXXX XXX Faculty Elective 5 2 2 3 5
XXXX XXX University Elective 2 2 2 3 5
Total 17 30

INDD 101 Studio 1 6 cr.
This first design studio course is structured to introduce the students to the design process and explains the context; content, tools, studio culture and work methodology to activate the design studio environment and explore the design language. It is prepared within the scope of basic design principles application and aims to transfer skills in communication, research, cultural and contextual studies through a series of theoretical and practical bases. With a focus on “self and environment” students will engage with the physical body through a spatial experience. Student perceptions are used to heighten and influence the development of their observation skills and knowledge of the tools of design. Art and design installations will be created as group or individual works and the main project will be supported by several short-term workshops, seminars, research and presentations.

INAD 103 Design Communication 1 3 cr.
This course teaches the fundamentals of drawing and sketching and introduces core competencies in Computer Aided Design and Drafting and provides students with the ability to communicate the visual and technical detail of a design through accurate three-dimensional (3D) models and technical drawings for manufacture.

INAD 107 Cultural and Contextual Studies 1 3 cr.
This course focuses on the design and art of ancient cultures of the Mediterranean, central Europe and the Middle East, from prehistory to the early Byzantine and early Islamic periods. It provides a framework through a chronological survey, covering (interior) architecture, sculpture, painting, furniture and minor crafts, being linked to the cultural, political, religious, socio-economic and technological contexts and their agents. The course builds up a sound knowledge of key monuments and of works of art. It develops the necessary skills to diagnose stylistic trends of ancient design and art, and to define their characteristics, such as typology, iconography, material and technique. Finally, it introduces (ancient) theories of design/art, preparing the students for a reflective critical assessment. The course addresses students of design.

INAD 109 Research Methods and Discourses 3 cr.
The course introduces a systematic approach to conducting research, from developing a research question via critically reading scholarly texts to writing own scholarly texts. It introduces general methodologies of research and discusses a broad spectrum of disciplines which might be used as specific methods/tools in design-related research, such as philosophy, sociology and anthropology.

SOFL 101 Academic English I 3 cr.
Students who regularly attend this course; They will have the opportunity to practice a range of study skills, including but not limited to goal setting, organization, time use, concentration and note taking. Students will be given important articles written in modern English and students will learn to discuss and write responses at an academic level. At the end of the lessons, each student will be able to derive the meaning of unknown words in a reading text, write paragraphs and articles, summarize, discuss and write reply letters.

INDD 001 Colloquium 1 0 cr.
The colloquium aims to expose students to issues of design outside the classroom and provide exposure of different design thinking both among their classmates in their departments and other students in the faculty of design.

INDD 102 Studio 2 6 cr.
A continuation of Studio 1, this second semester studio focuses on the student’s conceptual development through learning experiences that develop their expressional skills, their knowledge of the nature of materials and ergonomics. Students will familiarize themselves with the application of basic design principles and develop their conceptual approach to the design resolve of a micro scale environment. The studio design brief will explore the effects of architectural elements on the voids they form, and the experiential connections and contradictions made between interior and exterior environments (micro scale to macro scale, interior to exterior). All basic principles and elements that fall within the scope of visual perception are transferred to students through theoretical and experimental practice.

INAD 104 Design Communication 2 3 cr.
This module develops the core 2 and 3-dimensional visual communication skills covered in INAD 103, enabling students to demonstrate significant ability and understanding in how to generate and manipulate 2D and 3D visuals and forms. Digital Illustration and rendering techniques will also be covered within this course.

INAD 108 Cultural and Contextual Studies 2 3 cr.
This course focuses on the design and art of western and eastern cultures, from the Middle Ages to the Baroque, including the Selcuk and Ottoman periods. It provides a framework through a chronological survey, covering (interior) architecture, sculpture, painting, furniture and minor crafts, being linked to the cultural, political, religious, socio-economic and technological contexts and their agents. The course builds up a sound knowledge of key monuments and of works of art. It develops the necessary skills to diagnose stylistic trends of the design and art of the mentioned cultures and/or periods, and to define their characteristics, such as typology, iconography, material and technique. Finally, it introduces theories of design/art, enhancing the students’ reflective critical assessment. The course addresses students of design and visual communication.

INAD 110 Detailing Design Thinking 3 cr.
This course covers the study of manufacturing technologies for the industrial production of artefacts and interior design elements. There is a particular emphasis on contemporary advanced technologies, issues of sustainability and environmental factors for consideration in the detailing aspects of design. This course is complemented by the Materials course in year 2, Semester 1.

INDD 108 Form, Function and Energy 3 cr.
This course aims to reveal the relationship between form, function and energy. Through the course students learn that the function of a product compared to its form depends very much on the nature of the product and its market and also that forms are individual movements and/or energetic changes between movements. The course provides students with an understanding of a design product as a system and learn movement patterns of this system. By the end of the course students are able to freely express the energy behind these sets of movements or forms.

SOFL 102 Academic English II 3 cr.
It is a continuation of the Academic English I course. Students who regularly attend this course will have the opportunity to practice many study skills, including but not limited to setting goals, organizing, using time, concentrating, and taking notes. Students will be given important articles written in modern-day English and students will learn to discuss and write responses at an academic level. At the end of the lessons, each student will be able to understand the meaning of unknown words in a reading passage and write paragraphs and articles.

INDD 002 Colloquium 2 0 cr.
The colloquium aims to expose students to issues of design outside the classroom and provide exposure of different design thinking both among their classmates in their departments and other students in the faculty of design.

INDD 201 Studio 3 6 cr.
This course aims to further develop students’ understanding of pragmatic design development by respecting the constraints of a product design project, while simultaneously developing their methodology and creativity. During the course students broaden their skills in technical and functional validation of the design products.

INDD 205 Prototypes and Model making 3 cr.
In this course students learn model making techniques through hand-on experience using the design workshop various facilities. Students are introduced to the creation of 3D forms, construction materials and design concepts presentation and learn to build three dimensional models from plastics, wood, metals, and other materials. The course introduces the complex prototyping procedures. By the successful completion of the course the students will be able to prepare the technical documentation and produce working prototypes.

INDD 211 Materials, Production and Processes 3 cr.
The first half of this course is designed to provide an understanding of materials, their properties and their manufacture as a core element of the design process, and to encourage a passion for the exploration and manipulation of materials and manufacturing in the context of design. The course, then follows to provide a foundation to the production processes from the scale of small objects to certain larger scales. Manufacturing processes are explained in depth with full technical descriptions; analyses of the typical applications, design opportunities, and considerations each process offers; and information on cost, duration, and environmental impact.

INAD 203 Digital Tools in Design 1 3 cr.
This module provides students with the opportunity to build upon their digital tools in design skills and knowledge gained in previous related courses to learn and use a range of three dimensional modelling techniques to enable them to produce highly effective renderings and detailed technical drawings. The course will explain typical production pipelines for design beginning with concept modelling and rendering through to final manufacturing definition and technical drawings.

INAD 207 Environment and Design 2 cr.
This course provides a foundation to the design of the environment from the scale of the object, to the building and to the larger territory. It engages with real-life problems that affect products, buildings and cities across the world and requires an understanding of what makes a good environment for its inhabitants.

INAD 209 Cultural and Contextual Studies 3 3 cr.
This course focuses on modern and postmodern design and art, ranging from the Industrial Revolution and Enlightenment to the end of the 20th century. It provides a framework through a chronological survey, covering (interior) architecture, sculpture, painting, furniture, industrial and graphic design, being linked to the cultural, political, religious, socio-economic and technological contexts and their agents. The course builds up a sound knowledge of key monuments and of works of design and art. It develops the necessary skills to diagnose stylistic trends of the design and art of the mentioned timeframe, and to define their characteristics, such as typology, iconography, material and technique. Finally, it introduces modern and postmodern theories of design/art, enhancing the students’ reflective critical assessment. The course addresses students of design and visual communication.

INDD 003 Colloquium 3 0 cr.
The colloquium aims to expose students to issues of design outside the classroom and provide exposure of different design thinking both among their classmates in their departments and other students in the faculty of design.

TUDI 201 Turkish Language I 2 cr.
The aim of the course is to comprehend the structure and functioning features of the mother tongue to every young person who has higher education and to gain the ability to use Turkish correctly and beautifully as a means of written and verbal expression in terms of language-thought connection. Another goal is to make a unifying and integrative language prevailing in teaching and to raise young people who have native language awareness.

AITT 201 History of Ataturk Principles and Revolutions I 2 cr.
Atatürk’s Principles and History of Turkish Revolution course; telling students how to establish the circumstances under which the Republic of Turkey, forming the government intends to adopt the basic principles of Ataturk. The reason why his principles were transferred to the field of application is explained with case studies that not only the Turkish Nation but also the whole humanity need more than ever.

INDD 202 Studio 4 6 cr.
This studio provides students with knowledge and skills in development of design product concepts, which help them improving the usage of products and the inherent organization of products’ function. By the successful completion the course students apprehend that products are designed to be used by users in specific ways, and that products work in specific ways, which helps in providing the functions that users expect.

INDD 210 FABLAB Studio 2 cr.
This course provides students with an opportunity to use state-of-the-art equipment to design, fabricate and test products. During the course students develop technological, problem solving and hands-on skills. In the Fab Lab computer-controlled fabrication technologies such as 3D printers, lasers, etc. will be used to transform a product idea into its tangible form.

INDD 214 Internship 1 0 cr.
The internship series are designed as a transition medium from education to the profession and aims to provide the students with the knowledge, integrity, judgment, skills and discipline required to enter professional life. It is an industry centered placement that offers students the opportunity to experience ‘working life’ within workplaces in the field of the students’ program/subject discipline; typically, industrial companies or designers’ offices (but could include opportunities at practices in related fields depending on the students’ personal career path).

INAD 204 Human Factors and Ergonomics 2 cr.
This course provides a foundation to the design of the environment from the micro scale to macro scale of interior elements and spatial contexts in relation to human use. It is a survey course that emphasizes the conceptual, empirical and practical aspects of human factors and ergonomic science.

INAD 212 Digital Tools in Design II 3 cr.
This module is a continuation of INAD 110 Digital Tools in Design 1 and provides students with the opportunity to expand their skills in digital tools application for better design visualization via different media, 3D modeling.

INDD 004 Colloquium 4 0 cr.
The colloquium aims to expose students to issues of design outside the classroom and provide exposure of different design thinking both among their classmates in their departments and other students in the faculty of design.

XXXX XXX Faculty Elective I 3 cr.

TUDI 202 Turkish Language II 2 cr.
The aim of the course is to comprehend the structure and functioning features of the mother tongue to every young person who has higher education and to gain the ability to use Turkish correctly and beautifully as a means of written and verbal expression in terms of language-thought connection. Another goal is to make a unifying and integrative language prevailing in teaching and to raise young people who have native language awareness.

AITT 202 History of Ataturk Principles and Revolutions II 2 cr.
Atatürk’s Principles and History of Turkish Revolution course; telling students how to establish the circumstances under which the Republic of Turkey, forming the government intends to adopt the basic principles of Ataturk. The reason why his principles were transferred to the field of application is explained with case studies that not only the Turkish Nation but also the whole humanity need more than ever.

INDD 301 Studio 5 6 cr.
In this studio students exhibit their proficiency in independently developing articulated product design concepts for a given design brief and technical skills in building a virtual 3D computer model of their concept assembly and a hand-made actual scale model.

INDD 005 Colloquium 5 0 cr.
The colloquium aims to expose students to issues of design outside the classroom and provide exposure of different design thinking both among their classmates in their departments and other students in the faculty of design.

XXXX XXX Faculty Elective II 3 cr.

XXXX XXX Faculty Elective III 3 cr.

INDD XXX Department Elective I 3 cr.

INDD XXX Department Elective II

INDD 302 Studio 6 6 cr.
The aim of this studio is to provide students with skills needed to communicate their design proposal’s manufacturing materials and requirements via production, tech pack and all required technical drawings. This studio, which is last in its series, helps students further to prepare their Final Major Project Proposal and execute the Final Major Project.

INDD 306 Internship 2 0 cr.
A continuation of Internship 1, this industry centered placement offers students the opportunity to develop their work experience as a means to clarify career goals, give insight into the way organizations operate, increase their industry related skills and knowledge and provide them with networking opportunities.

INDD 308 Virtual and Augmented Reality Studio 2 cr.
This course aims to introduce students to the world of Augmented and Virtual Realities and to help them to develop their own voice using these new fascinating technologies. It introduces also the newest technologies in design and presentation, where students draw parallels between being at the foreground of the technologies, and how to utilize these tools for their own contemporary design practice. The course teaches students to present their work from different aspects, from photorealism to hyper-stylization, and work with everything from texturing, lighting, rendering, photographic vantage points, topology, etc.

INDD 006 Colloquium 6 0 cr.
The colloquium aims to expose students to issues of design outside the classroom and provide exposure of different design thinking both among their classmates in their departments and other students in the faculty of design.

INDD XXX Department Elective III 3 cr.

INDD XXX Department Elective IV 3 cr.

XXXX XXX University Elective I 3 cr.

INDD 401 Final Major Project Proposal 5 cr.
The aim of this course is to design a medium-size project that will reveal the student’s original design ability. Students should demonstrate the ability to develop unique design ideas and proposals and defend them with enthusiasm. The students’ design approach should demonstrate a consistent development of a designer identity and artistic style. The definition of different functions, the determination of different requirements, the interaction between products and people, the analysis of form-function-energy relationship, the formation of functional and original spatial composition containing service areas and circulation system, the detailed analysis of production methods are all part of the course. Students are also expected to express their final design decisions using contemporary graphic techniques.

INDD 403 Experimental Studio 6 cr.
This design studio aims to reevaluate students’ skills and design approaches, and to broaden their design abilities through unexpected situations, accidental shifts, created errors and distortions of reality. The studio will focus on the idea and the act of experimentation in design thinking, conceptualization, etc. The shared nature of this module within the design faculty studios will connect the far end scales of design issues. The aim is that through these studios students can deepen their research for the final major project proposal within the different disciplines.

INDD XXX Department Elective V 3 cr.

XXXX XXX Faculty Elective IV 3 cr.

INDD 007 Colloquium 7 0 cr.
The colloquium aims to expose students to issues of design outside the classroom and provide exposure of different design thinking both among their classmates in their departments and other students in the faculty of design.

INDD 450 Final Major Project (Studio) 8 cr.

This comprehensive final semester gives students the opportunity to demonstrate the breadth and depth of their creative, technical and organizational skills. Students work on a self-initiated negotiated project in far greater depth or breadth than they have worked upon earlier in their studies. Whatever the format, it should ideally be the focus of the student’s portfolio of work and should be of a sufficiently high standard of original creativity and production to be incorporated into the ARUCAD final degree shows. It is anticipated that the majority of students will concentrate on their specialist discipline area. A comprehensive competition-based alternative brief may be negotiated as a Final Major project.

INAD 404 Professional Portfolio Design and Presentation Techniques 2 cr.

In this project-based course, students will fine tune acquired skills and focus their body of work towards specific job goals. They will develop a portfolio of work that best represents their creativity and skills in interior architecture/product design and design. Students will also have the opportunity to re-address previous projects and assignments for inclusion in their portfolios. While this course evaluates both two-dimensional and three-dimensional presentation techniques of an idea or a product or a complicated issue, it also cites the materials necessary for these presentations. The course mainly covers three major presentation skill: 1) Storytelling- develop a convincing and evidence-based script of presentations, 2) Design-how to merge information with graphics to deliver your ideas, 3) Delivery- how to interact with your audience.

INAD 408 Exhibition Design 3 cr.

This course investigates the considerations involved in exhibition design starting from initial concept and research to developing an installation model. Students explore a range of presentation strategies and examine how various design solutions affect the visitor experience. Careful consideration is given to the dynamics between the objects, the institution, and the audience. Studio work, discussions, and projects will address the challenges facing historical and contemporary exhibition requirements of today. Concerns related to physical and intellectual accessibility are addressed.

XXXX XXX University Elective II 3 cr.

Students learn about ergonomics and human scale, economy of material use, appropriate use of materials, fabrication and manufacturing processes and furniture traditions and typologies. 
This course is designed to introduce moral rights and responsibilities of industrial designers in relation to society, employers, colleagues and clients. The students will focus on both the analysis of ethical and value conflict in modern industrial design practice and the importance of intellectual property rights and conflicting interests. Ethical aspects in industrial design, manufacturing and operations, cost benefit-risk analysis, safety and occupational hazard considerations are discussed.
Aims to convey an historical and theoretical awareness to history of design from 1760 to 2020. Students understand the relationship in between actual history or sociological realities and product development. This course also gives the opportunity to be familiar with key figures as designers during the history whom challenged and raise the practice of designing through industry.
INDD 321         Organism I                                                                                                     3cr.
All places that people experience have, to some degree, been shaped by human activity and connection between natural environment and culture. Therefore, the course has an interdisciplinary focus and covers information available about nature which includes at least the fields of architecture, industrial and interior design, psychology, sociology, anthropology, and geography to create a balance with our natural environment.
INDD 322         Organism II                                                                                                     3cr.
This course is the continuation of the course INDD 321 ‘Organism 1’. All places that people experience have, to some degree, been shaped by human activity and connection between natural environment and culture. Therefore, the course has an interdisciplinary focus and covers information available about nature which includes at least the fields of architecture, industrial and interior design, psychology, sociology, anthropology, and geography to create a balance with our natural environment.
INDD 326         Technology I                                                                                                   3cr.
Art and craft works in which technology plays an important role in their creation will be examined. Investigations on such role will be through weekly group discussions on the examples. For each student a unique (cause-effect, event-object, idea-behavior) knitted organism will be experimented.
INDD 329         Technology II                                                                                                  3cr.
This course is the continuation of the course INAD 326 ‘Technology I’. Art and craft works in which technology plays an important role in their creation will be examined. Investigations on such role will be through weekly group discussions on the examples. For each student a unique (cause-effect, event-object, idea-behavior) knitted organism will be experimented.
INDD 411         Body Adornment Design                                                                                3cr.
This course embraces the inter-relations of concept, adornment, ornamentation, product and narrative connections.  Students will be introduced to the ways in which focus is drawn to the body through adornment, restriction, ornamentation, concealment and distortion and apply this knowledge to their design resolves. Students will analyze and explore how to promote or provoke expression through the physical relationship between the body and “wearable” objects and explore the imbued narratives associated with a specific item/object/concept and the impact they have on the success of the design itself.  Students will apply conceptual thinking and a range of technical skills to the production of body adornment and to consolidate the relationship between studio practice, research and theory.
With this course, the students will gain a strong understanding of the general types of concrete, steel, woodwork and plastics used in residential construction, furniture making and product design. The course covers joinery, which might be fixed or flexible. 
INDD 421         Light                                                                                                               3 cr.
This course is a combination of specific principles, established standards and conventions and a number of aesthetic, cultural and human factors applied in an artful manner where energy efficiency and lighting quality is a concern. The theory part of the course delivers the information regarding lighting theory and how we can achieve better and meaningful design by light (natural or mechanical) and the application part of it is to come up with creative and innovative solutions to design using the element of light.
Research Trends is a bibliometrics-based study that provides impartial insights into scientific trends. Researchers and funding organizations throughout the world are increasing their need for high-quality research performance and trend-related knowledge. This course aims to help students analyzing the bibliographies to find the research trends in their field while introducing them the research methods for high-quality research preparation.

ARCH 320 Designing with Light and Shadow 3 cr.
This elective course discusses the roles and effects of light and shadow in the creation of architectural atmospheres. Through a series of lectures and experimental exercises, the student will explore the various ways that light and shadow can be used as architectural elements to great effect of the senses and the way in which space is perceived.

ARCH 332 Place, Space and Poetics 3 cr.
This elective course discusses architectural strategies for the intervention of existing buildings for adaptive re-use. It focuses on a phenomenological framework for understanding spatial values such as historical, sociological, psychological, artistic and cultural associations and the role of empathy in design application. The course aims to expose students to the poetics of place and space, and the embodied meaning of the elements contained within them.

ARCH 360 Structuralism 3 cr.
This course emphasizes the relationship of culture and architecture, urban planning and construction, which must be understood as an overarching system or structure. The course equips students with design awareness and comprehensive understanding of traditional and emerging technologies in architecture and construction techniques. It forms the link between design concept and construction and provides high-level skills in projects of all types and scales and prepares students to use sophisticated and powerful information tools and techniques.

ARCH 361 Technology In-Between 3 cr.
In this course, the students will examine art and craft work where technology plays an important role in their creation through a series of investigations and weekly group discussions of specific examples. Each student will examine and experiment with a unique (cause-effect, event-object, idea-behavior) knitted organism. Such works may be developed as installations of sound, visuals, computation, or as technological objects, membranes etc. All works should be fulfilled and supported with a critical text to evaluate and link the process with the work or product.

ARCH 350 The Ancient and early Medieval City 3 cr.
This course discusses the development of urbanity in the Mediterranean, central Europe and the Middle East from prehistory to the early Middle Ages/early Islamic period, focusing on ancient Greece and the Roman world. It provides a framework through a chronological survey, being linked to the cultural, political, religious, socio-economic and technological contexts and their agents. It develops the ability to read the lay-out of organically grown or planned cities/town, and to define the spatial organization of their public, religious, commercial and residential functions. The course emphasizes various aspects, such as the city as centre of economy and trade, the relationship between city and countryside, the transformation from the Pagan to the Christian, and from the Christian to the Islamic city, and urban planning and design as reflection of institutional or private power. Finally, it introduces (ancient) theories of urban planning and design. The course addresses students of (interior) architecture.

ARCH 440 Architecture, Urban Space and Technology in Science Fiction Film 3 cr.
The course analyses the architectural, urban and technological mises en scène of science fiction utopias and dystopias from the 1920s to the 2000s, and of the modern and postmodern eras. At first, students are required to classify the displayed settings before assessing if these settings mirror contemporary architectural, urban and technological discourses and theories. Subsequently, the course investigates if and how specific mises en scène support specific utopian or dystopian texts. It concludes with the hypothesis that the mises en scènes of science fiction films may reveal widely, yet possibly subconsciously understandable general meanings of architecture, urbanity and technology. The course requires the screening and discussion of selected films and of related scholarly literature. It addresses students of art and design of the 3rd and 4th years. Pre-requisite: 3rd and 4th year standing.

ARCH 441 Film and Space 3 cr.
The medium and tools of ‘film’ are important in the observation and regeneration of a work of design. This course aims to develop a critical and analytical point of view to define a context related methodology. Students are encouraged to construct interdisciplinary works of art and architecture through analytical evaluation and experimentation of ‘film space’. Students work on a self/group-initiated concepts, context and develop works of storyboards, illustration works, experimental short videos, experimental installations through which self-expression and point of view should emerge. All works should be fulfilled and supported with a critical text.

ARCH 450 Resilience 3 cr.
This course is designed for 4th year students where the theory of resilience is introduced. Within the concept of resilience, the students will be exposed to the phenomenon of ‘city resilience’ where the vulnerabilities of urban settlements will be explored in order to develop synergy within the existing resources of cities. Consequently, the course will seek how to apply these synergies to develop an interaction of different systems to improve the resilience of cities to cope with uncertain disturbances the cities might face, i.e. man-made disasters, natural disasters, infrastructure and etc.

INAD 321 City and History 1 3 cr.
The course aims to discuss and analyse core issues of historical and contemporary “town & city “and provide a broad introduction to the historical study of towns and cities from classical antiquity to modern times with reference to a multi-scalar and interdisciplinary approach.

INAD 322 City and History 2 3 cr.
This course is the continuation of the course ‘City and History 1’. The course aims to discuss and analyse core issues of historical and contemporary “town & city “and provide a broad introduction to the historical study of towns and cities from classical antiquity to modern times with reference to a multi-scalar and interdisciplinary approach.

INAD 323 Adaptive Reuse/Transformations 1 3 cr.
This course, instead of just focusing on techniques and methods of restoration and conservation, focuses on the process of repurposing buildings, both old and historical, that have outlived their original purposes. The students in this course also comprehend how to integrate sustainability in their approach to their solutions of design understanding different layers of a building from structure to energy.

INAD 324 Film and Space 3 cr.
This course aims to develop a critical and analytical point of view to define a context related methodology. The medium and tools of ‘film’ is important in observing and regenerating a work of design.

INAD 412 Sensory Interior Design 3 cr.
This course aims to analyze how humans perceive a spatial experience through their senses and how the materials used for interior elements within that space affect this experience. Students will gain an understanding of the pragmatic concepts of interior design, such as: functionality, light, ventilation, acoustics, color and materials, as well as the semantic meanings of how these elements can affect the emotions, psychology and physiology of humans.

INAD 423 Adaptive Reuse/Transformations 2 3 cr.
This course is the continuation of the course ‘Adaptive Reuse/Transformations 1’. This course, instead of just focusing on techniques and methods of restoration and conservation, focuses on the process of repurposing buildings, both old and historical, that have outlived their original purposes. The students in this course also comprehend how to integrate sustainability in their approach to their solutions of design understanding different layers of a building from structure to energy.

Consists of comprehensive courses offered by the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Communication.

Please find below recommended supplies/materials you will need for the department of study:

Recommended Equipment:

Laptop technical specifications: CPU: Core i7 or Core i9, graphic card: NVIDIA GTX 1060 (6GB memory), RAM: 24 GB

Required Equipment:

  • T-Square (Transparent) (Preferably: Hatas Brand) (75 cm)
  • Setsquares (450 and 30-600 angle) (Transparent) (Preferably: Hatas Brand)
  • Circle template
  • Compass
  • Utility knife (small)
  • Scissors
  • Sharpener
  • Pencils (2H/HB/2B leads)
  • Eraser
  • Glue
  • Tape/scotch (transparent)
  • Technical drawing pens (sizes 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 1)
  • Cutting matt (green, 35cm x 50 cm.)