Sen. Ins. İnanç Uçaröz

Inanc Ucaroz is a lecturer and the acting director of the English Preparatory School of Arkin University of Creative Arts and Design. She has graduated from English Language and Literature department of Eastern Mediterranean University in 2001. Since then, she has been working in various institutions under various titles and roles. She has assumed the title of Vice Director at Near East University for 2 years and at ARUCAD for a year. She has been a part of Accreditation Team in NEU obtaining Pearson Accreditation and in ARUCAD obtaining EAQUALS Accreditation. Besides her duties as the Vice Director, she has also performed many administrative and academic roles. She has been the coordinator of many units in NEU such as Quality Improvement, Curriculum and Martial Development, and Testing. These roles and her experience of 21 years in the field has enabled her to be a successful leader of a preparatory schools by informing her on many different areas of teaching and managing such as in-service teacher training, exam preparation, evaluation, curriculum and syllabus design and so on. She is a member of IATEFL and presented her poster on the use of topic cards in IATEFL conference in 2017.

Sen. Ins. İnanç Uçaröz

English Preparatory School Director