Film Design and Directing

The Department of Film Design and Directing is designed to handle the multidimensional and variable creation processes from an innovative perspective.


The importance of theory and practice is taken into consideration at every stage. Our tutors are experienced filmmakers with practical experience in cinema production processes, as well as experienced filmmakers with wide experience in events, festivals, competitions, symposiums and workshops. Our aim is to ensure the students’ success through theır knowledge, skills and competencies in the field of cinema. In addition, the programme is designed to respond to social and cultural needs with the aim of compiling and recording of the history and rich cultural heritage of Cyprus and transforming them into works of art with aesthetic and ethical concerns.

Programme Type

Bachelor Degree


4 Years

Head of Department

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emrah Öztürk

Academic Staff

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emrah Öztürk

Head of Department

Asst. Prof. Dr. İbrahim Dalkılıç

Asst. Prof. Dr. Farshad Asgarikia

Sen. Ins. Ali Azhari

Course Code Course Name T P L Y E
COMM 101 Fundamentals of Communication 3 0 0 3 4
FIDE 101 Cinematic Language 3 0 0 3 5
FIDE 111 Basic Film Production 2 2 0 3 5
FIDE 121 Cinematography 2 2 0 3 5
FIDE 161 Editing Techiniques 2 2 0 3 5
TUDI 201 Turkish Language I 2 0 0 0 2
SOFL 101 Academic English I 3 0 0 3 4
TOTAL 18 30
Course Code Course Name T P L Y E
COMM 122 Digital Story Telling 2 2 0 3 4
FIDE 102 History of Cinema 3 0 0 3 5
FIDE 104 Film Studies 3 0 0 3 5
FIDE 112 Lighting and Composition 2 2 0 3 5
FIDE 132 Sound Design 2 2 0 3 5
TUDI 202 Turkish Language II 2 0 0 0 2
SOFL 102 Academic English II 3 0 0 3 4
TOTAL 18 30
COMM 201 Media, Power and Culture 3 0 0 3 5
FIDE 201 Film Genres 3 0 0 3 6
FIDE 221 Scriptwriting 2 2 0 3 6
FIDE 261 Post Production 2 2 0 3 6
AIIT 201 History of Atatürk Principles and Revolutions I 2 0 0 0 2
Departmental Elective 3 5
                                                                TOTAL 15 30
COMM 242 Media Law and Ethics 3 0 0 3 5
COMM 280 Innovative Approaches in Communication 3 0 0 3 6
FIDE 202 Film Theory and Aesthetics 3 0 0 3 6
FIDE 212 Storyboarding Techniques 2 2 0 3 6
AIIT 202 History of Atatürk Principles and Revolutions II 2 0 0 0 2
Bölüm Seçmeli 3 5
                                                                     TOTAL 15 30
COMM 301 Research Method in Communication 3 0 0 3 5
FIDE 311 Documentary Film Production 2 2 0 3 5
FIDE 331 Motion Design and Visual Effects 2 2 0 3 5
FIDE 351 Film Design 2 2 0 3 5
Departmental Elective 3 5
Faculty Elective 3 5
                                                                 TOTAL 18 30
COMM 302 Creative and Critical Thinking 3 0 0 3 5
FIDE 312 Advanced Cinematography 2 2 0 3 6
FIDE 372 Story Lab 2 2 0 3 6
FIDE 380 Internship 0 0 0 0 3
Departmental Elective 3 5
Faculty Elective 3 5
                                                                     TOTAL 15 30
COMM 301 Research Method in Communication 3 0 0 3 5
FIDE 311 Documentary Film Production 2 2 0 3 5
FIDE 331 Motion Design and Visual Effects 2 2 0 3 5
FIDE 351 Film Design 2 2 0 3 5
Departmental Elective 3 5
Faculty Elective 3 5
                                                                 TOTAL 18 30
COMM 302 Creative and Critical Thinking 3 0 0 3 5
FIDE 312 Advanced Cinematography 2 2 0 3 6
FIDE 372 Story Lab 2 2 0 3 6
FIDE 380 Internship 0 0 0 0 3
Departmental Elective 3 5
Faculty Elective 3 5
                                                                     TOTAL 15 30

COMM 101 The Fundamentals of Communication (3,0) 3
The aim of this course is to introduce students to the field of communication and basic concepts of communication. The course starts from the foundations of communication including topics related with language, discourse and representation. It is designed as a preparatory course on how to develop critical skills in the field of communication, it offers evaluations of intrapersonal, interpersonal, group and intercultural communication.

FIDE 101 Language of Film (3,0) 3
In this course, students will learn how the language of film is constructed and has been applied. The course will equip the students with the knowledge of basic principles of cinematic narration. Cinematic time, space and reality concepts in filmmaking as well as the grammatical structure and visual parameters will be taught in this course.

FIDE 111 Basic Film Production (2,2) 3
In this course, the students learn how the production process takes place and how to manage the crew and equipment in this process. This course is an introduction to the following practice and production courses and it provides basic information about the production stages such as filming, editing, sound editing and post production, while at the same time enabling students to acquire practical skills.

FIDE 121 Cinematography (2,2) 3
Cinematography can be best described as the art and craft of making motion pictures by capturing a story visually. In this course, students learn the basic concepts, methods and technical aspects of cinematography. Some of the topics covered in the course are the building blocks of the stage, design and visual editing principles, camera usage, exposure, light and lighting, colors and image control. In addition, the functions and duties of all crew members involved in a film production, especially the director and the cinematographer will be explained through practical works.

FIDE 161 Editing Techniques (2,2) 3
The aim of this course is to teach the development of editing in the historical context and to introduce the basic editing concepts and techniques together in practical workflow. At the end of the course, students will have the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical experience in editing techniques. They will combine their experience with the knowledge of applied shooting techniques and improve their know-how skills.

TUDI 201 Turkish Language I (2,0) 0
The objectives of this course can be summarized as follows; to be able to comprehend properly the structure and functioning characteristics of Turkish language, and to gain the ability to use the language correctly and beautifully as a means of writing and oral expression. This course is especially important for native Turkish speaking communication students since the language is a constituting element of communication.

SOFL 101 Academic English I (3,0) 4
Students who attend this course regularly will have the opportunity to practice a variety of work skills, including but not limited to goal setting, organization, time use, concentration and grading. Students will be given important essays written in contemporary English, and learners will be able to discuss at academic level and write answers. At the end of the lessons, each student will be able to write the meaning of the unknown words in a reading, write paragraphs and articles, summarize, discuss and write answers.

COMM 122 Digital Storytelling (2,2) 3
This course introduces students to the fundamentals of digital storytelling. The course will start by summarizing the narrative traditions preceding the digital to capture the foundations of storytelling. Students are expected to use text, moving images, photographs, sound, infographics and comics in combination to create digital stories and post their stories to a blog. They will be working on digital storytelling projects individually and collaboratively. Digital storytelling encapsulates both theory and practice of creating and delivering stories. Therefore, it requires both serious reading of class materials and basic production and editing skills. Students must have access to digital devices (computer, tablet, smartphone, sound recorder, etc.).

FIDE 102 History of Cinema (3,0) 3
In this course, firstly the major historical developments in communication and media, and then the important stages of cinema history will be covered. The aim of this course is to teach the technological and socio-cultural developments of the field along with the dynamics of the cinema industry, groundbreaking works in the history of cinema and the components of cinema as an art form.

FIDE 104 Film Studies (3,0) 3
The aim of this course is to provide foundational theoretical knowledge for analyzing films. Films are complex products built on different components. Based on this knowledge, how the basic elements such as mise-en-scene, cinematography, fiction and sound come together to create meaning in films will be analyzed. In this course, students will also learn about how the main components of a film are used in different genres and how films circulate ideas and ideologies in society. This course is an introductory course for Film Design and Directing programme and it is designed to provide the basic terminology as foundation for the following courses.

FIDE 112 Lighting and Composition (2,2) 3
This course is designed to teach the different uses of light, the relationship between light and space, and the effect of light on composition, which is one of the basic elements of creating meaning in cinema. In this course, methods of efficient lightning techniques will be explained in order to read the space properly and to perceive depth and motion correctly. Students will practice to create compositions using different lighting and lighting techniques.

FIDE 132 Sound Design (2,2) 3
The aim of this course is to teach students how to use sound as a powerful storytelling tool in a creative way. The course covers both theoretical and practical aspects of the creation, selection, recording, editing, processing and merging of sound and music for film, video and animation. In addition, two different methods of sound editing, sound design and additional dialogue recording will be covered.

TUDI 202 Turkish Language II (2,0) 0
This course is designed as the continuation of the Turkish Language I course.

SOFL 102 Academic English II (3,0) 4 – Pre-requisite: SOFL 101
It is the continuation of Academic English I course. Students who attend this course regularly will have the opportunity to practice a variety of work skills, including but not limited to goal setting, organization, time use, concentration and grading. Students will be given important essays written in contemporary English, and learners will be able to discuss at academic level and write answers. At the end of the lessons, each student will be able to write the meaning of the unknown words in a reading, write paragraphs and articles, summarize, discuss and write answers.

COMM 201 Media, Power and Culture (3,0) 3
The aim of the course is to examine the dynamics affecting the emergence of mass communication. Therefore, it is designed to evaluate the relationship between political and economic powers, media ownership, hegemonic culture and representations both from an analytical and theoretical perspective. In this course, students will learn the seminal theoretical texts and arguments to grasp the interdependence of media, power and culture.

FIDE 201 Film Genres (3,0) 3
The course will cover the classification of cinema films according to their subjects and genres, particularly popular film genres and their main features. For this purpose, the film genres such as comedy, tragedy, western, musical, sci-fi and drama will be evaluated and analyzed in terms of production features, narrative structures and aesthetics.

FIDE 221 Scriptwriting (2,2) 3
In this course, the basic rules of script writing for films, different script writing styles, stages of transforming an idea into a script and techniques of developing a scenario are covered. Students will transform their original stories or stories adapted from published works into a synopsis, treatment and scenario with a creative approach. By the end of this course they will be equipped with scriptwriting skills for screen.

FIDE 261 Post Production (2,2) 3
In this course, students will learn the basic elements of post-production which is the third stage of the film production process through practical works derived from theoretical approaches. For the post-production course students will work individually and in groups to produce a finished product using the visual and audio editing techniques they have taken in previous semesters.

AIIT 201 History of Atatürk Principles and Revolutions I (2-0) 0
Atatürk’s Principles and History of Revolution; telling students how to establish the circumstances under which the Republic of Turkey, Atatürk’s principles which form the basis state to adopt; Atatürk’s military personality is described as a great statesman, revolutionary personality and leadership, nationalism rejecting racism, and efforts to establish international peace. It is explained today by the case studies that the principles of his transfer to the field of application are not only the Turkish nation but the whole humanity more than ever.

COMM 242 Media Law and Ethics (3,0) 3
As a combination of media law and ethics this course is designed to provide students with the basic legal and ethical rules and principles that are necessary in the field of media both at global and local scales. To this end, ethical debates regarding the means of communication on international agreements, freedom of the press and expression, public interest, representations of private life, equality, the representation of gender, race and ethnicity will be examined through the examples from media. In this course, property relations in the context of media law and ethics, professional organizations, self-regulation, legal supervision, news sources, the rights of individuals and institutions are examined on the basis of major theoretical discussions and analyzed within the socio-historical context.

COMM 280 Innovative Approaches in Communication (2,2) 3
This course is designed to enable students to obtain knowledge on innovative approaches in communication by introducing them to the artists, designers, and the representatives working in different fields of communication and academics. The students need to take this course before the internship to have the opportunity to meet with the people from the field of their own interest. Moreover, the course also aims to provide students with the knowledge on occupational health and safety from the specialists or academicians working in that field.

FIDE 202 Film Theory and Aesthetics (3,0) 3
This course is designed to convey the historical development of film theories and aesthetics. For this purpose, theoretical approaches such as formalism, realism, structuralism, psychoanalysis, feminist film theories and changing aesthetic approaches will be explained through examples from the history of cinema. The course will focus on the relationship between film and audience, the concepts of narrative and narration, the processes of creating meaning through practices and aesthetics and the understanding of film genres by applying basic theoretical principles.

FIDE 212 Storyboarding Techniques (2,2) 3
In this course, which will teach the methods and techniques of storyboard design which is one of the production stages of the film, students will apply the short scenario designs in standard frame sizes according to the basic principles of storyboard design. The main aim of the course is to make storyboard design, which is one of the important steps in the process of transforming creative ideas into cinematic works, through traditional drawing and digital tools.

COMM 301 Research Methods in Communication (3,0) 3
The main objective of this course is to examine the research process in the social sciences and communication sciences (problem determination, data collection, data analysis, etc.). The course will teach the students to observe the existing research methods and enable them to research on a specific topic. Conceptualization, measurement, data collection, data analysis, data evaluation/interpretation and report writing techniques are other subjects that will be discussed during the course.

FIDE 311 Documentary Film Production (2, 2) 3
This course is designed to provide students with a historical perspective of documentary films that differ from fictional films in terms of content, technique, narrative, and narration among various film productions. From the first examples to our current time, documentary films’ social, political and cultural ties with the related environment will be established through their use as the propaganda tool and / or being a part of social change, the use of investigative journalism, making the voices of opposing public, personal or historical story telling. At the same time, students’ knowledge and skills in planning, shooting and editing methods for documentary films will be developed through practical applications.

FIDE 331 Motion Design and Visual Effects (2,2) 3
The main objective of this course is to teach visual effects techniques in different forms of film production. In addition to After Effects and Motion Graphics techniques; the course aims to prepare students for technical filmmaking by using green box, tracking/stabilizing, masking/ rotoscoping techniques and color grading/correction.

FIDE 351 Film Design (2,2) 3
Starting from the idea creation process, the course explores how a film is designed within the concepts of cinematic time and space. Students learn the language of cinema by using editing methods and learn all stages of film production through practical projects. Designing and planning all stages of cinema film production from location scouting to budget management is included in the course. In addition, students are expected to present a project that they plan by considering all stages of the process from the idea to the distribution and the showing the film to the audience by contacting real people and institutions.

COMM 302 Creative and Critical Thinking (3,0) 3
This course is designed to introduce students to the basic principles and techniques of creative and critical thinking in order to improve their problem-solving skills and teach them how to obtain knowledge. Moreover, it aims to enable students to assess problems from a different point of view, to find creative solutions for complex problems and right strategies for peculiar occasions and choose right channels and methods to spread their ideas. In this course, students are expected to combine the techniques and strategies of creative and critical thinking with their theoretical knowledge in order to solve contemporary problems in communication either as an individual or in a group work. The course will also include theoretical discussions on the concepts of the history of thought in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

FIDE 312 Advanced Cinematography (2,2) 3
This course aims to enable students to become a cinematographer by using the materials and techniques of visual language. Students will be equipped with the theoretical and practical knowledge and learn about equipment, economic law of the cinematographer profession, its artistic stance and its place in film production.

FIDE 372 Story Lab (2,2) 3
This course is a continuation of the scenario course in which students learn the principles of scenario writing. The main aim of the course is to analyze the relationship between narrative theory and scenario writing exercises and to reinforce students’ skills in the art of storytelling. The course covers the applications of the writing techniques that the students have learned to the scenarios they have written, the evaluation of these scenarios in the class and the transformation of them into shooting script. The course is also designed as a prepatory course in which students will present their innovative work in the fourth year in the Creative Presentation course, where they prepare basic works and seek funding.

FIDE 380 Internship (0,0) 0
The of the internship experience is to provide the student with an opportunity to explore career interests while applying knowledge and skills learned in the classroom in a work setting. The students are expected to gain a clearer sense of what they still need to learn and to have the opportunity to build professional networks.

COMM 411 Creative Pitching (2,4) 4
The knowledge and skills of the whole process; from finding creative ideas in all areas of production to writing content appropriate to the nature of the media, and also the effective presentation of the created work, are all covered in this course. The students will learn all processes, including the presentation of the creative idea, by means of application during the course.

FIDE 411 Directing (2,2) 3
The main aim of this course is to analyze the basic skills and tasks that a director should have and to draw a framework that will help the students to create their own directing styles. For this purpose, in the course, the basic principles of mise-en-scene, working with actors and directors will be explained. In addition, as a director, students will use tools to communicate with other units that need to work in coordination during the production process, and will conduct directing practices in group work.

FIDE 402 Film Criticism and Analysis (3,0) 3
This course is designed as a final year course since the students are expected to combine what they have learned in theoretical and practical courses with film criticism and film analysis methods. In addition to examining criticisms written on films before, it is aimed to make film analysis and film criticism on selected films.

FIDE 492 Final Project (2,4) 4
The student chooses a graduation project in the light of the compulsory and elective courses they took during their education. In this course, a seminar is given on the graduation project and students are encouraged to draw their own paths as a professional. The graduation project carried out under the supervision of a faculty member and prepared in accordance with the instructions prepared by the department and afterwards it is completed by the student and evaluated by the jury which was established by the department.

FIDE 203 History of Cinema in Turkey (3,0) 3
In this course, the historical development of cinema in Turkey will be examined in social and cultural context by means of dividing it into periods. In the course, differences in the structure of narrative cinema in Turkey and the peculiar characteristics of certain periods and their aesthetic views would be covered. Moreover, the changings in economic structure in Turkish cinema and the dynamics in the film industry will be discussed.

FIDE 204 Political Cinema (3,0) 3
Especially during and after the Second World War, the history of cinema has been associated with political and social movements. This course is designed to examine the discussions about the role and importance of political cinema in the history of cinema and to introduce students to the examples of transnational political cinema. The course will cover a wide range of examples from propaganda films to Italian new realism, the Middle East cinema, political documentary films, and the different definitions of political cinema in different periods and geographies.

FIDE 205 International Cinema (3,0) 3
The course focuses on the structural aspects of the film industry and the cultural reflections in Hollywood and other countries, which are central to the film industry. Cinema as a mass culture and its place and importance in the cultural industry is covered by a critical point of view on an international scale during the course.

FIDE 232 Composing for Film (2,2) 3
The course is aimed at examining music as a constituting element of filmmaking. The importance of music composition for film will be discussed that it is merely a creative design element support the artistic expression in the movie along with the imagery rather than being only an accompanying element in the background. Also, musical styles for film will be discussed on the basis of films genres.

FIDE 301 Emerging Cinema (3,0) 3
The main objective of this course is to create more engaging interactions for the audience by means of combining modern cinema technologies with visual storytelling techniques. In this course, content creation is covered by 3 dimensional and 360-degree video production and virtual reality applications.

FIDE 302 Auteur Theory (3,0) 3
This course is designed to explain the concepts of auteur and to authorship in film history. Auteur theory is one of the distinguished theories in film studies both from historical and aesthetic point of views. The content of this course will include the early examples of authorship in film history since 1950s, prominent auteur directors and their films. These will be discussed by analyzing the unique styles and creative imagery which reflect their authorship.

FIDE 313 Art Direction (2,2) 3
In this course, art direction, which plays an important role in the creation and design of the artistic aspects of cinema, animation and video production will be analyzed. The basic principles that an art director should know will be explained during the course. Moreover, the role of art direction in different stages of creative production process will be emphasized. The course will cover all related units of art direction such as costume design, production design and evaluation of visual communication and semiotic elements. The examples of contemporary trends will be given in order to present creative concepts for different types of video that students can apply in their own work.

FIDE 361 Color Correction (2,2) 3
The application of color correction is one of the important stages of post-production. In this course, the necessary knowledge and tools to produce a professional imagery will be covered. Certain styles of color correction will be performed in order to strengthen the scenes and visual composition. During the course, color correction and calibration practices will be done through a specific software designed for this.

FIDE 400 Feminist Film Analysis (3,0) 3
This course introduces students to feminism(s) and feminist film/screen theories.  The course acquaints students with feminist terminology by providing a survey in feminism(s) from a socio-historical perspective. Following this introductory part, the course revolves its content around what it means to analyze/read moving images from a feminist standing point by examining major concepts in feminist film theory such as genre/women’s genre(s), gaze/look, agency/representation/femininity, color/ intersections (class, race, ethnicity, age), violence, narrative, body politics, pleasure. And finally discusses women’s place behind the camera. This course requires regular attendance and participation, reading and viewing the course materials. Students are expected to complete the required readings and watch the films before coming to class.

FIDE 412 Directing Actors (2,2) 3
The aim of this course is to teach “Acting Method” techniques which will enable students to establish a common language in the communication between director and actor. To this end, the course is designed to develop the director’s skills in management during rehearsals and shootings, in helping actors to demonstrate the best performances of actors. Moreover, the course will illustrate how to communicate with actors, and demonstrate how to deal with the performances of players and the technical requirements of production.

FIDE 431 3D Composition and Visual Effects (2,2) 3
This course provides the necessary skills and competencies for producing advanced visual effects using two-dimensional and three-dimensional elements for film and animation studies. In addition, the integration of different graphic elements with different scenes will be discussed during the course. It is aimed to support students to work on their own projects and apply some important techniques such as color equalization, motion tracking, light, artificial coloring and composition to their productions.

FIDE 480 Special Topics in Film Design (2,2/ 3,0) 3
Selected Topics in Film Design is one of the elective courses in the last year of Film Design and Directing Department. In accordance with the structure of the course, each year a subject will be opened in line with the demands of the students and the new developments or specific needs in the field, and that special topic would be added to the name of the course every year.

ANIM 252 Stop Motion Animation (2,2) 3
Stop Motion is an animation technique in which physically manipulated objects are displayed as if they are moving by themselves. In this technique, objects are moved in very small proportions between photo frames. A motion perception is created while these frames are displayed consecutively. In this course, students will learn the technique of stop-motion animation by using different materials. Storyboard preparation, image processing and sound adding techniques will also be discussed during the course.

COMM 300 Entrepreneurship and Project Management (Technical Elective) (2,2) 3
The main objective of the course is to enable students to integrate the fields in communication such as entrepreneurship, innovative applications, sustainable development, project management with their specific research areas. Students will be able to combine their theoretical knowledge with practice. For this purpose, basic concepts of entrepreneurship and project management will be explained and successful examples in entrepreneurship will be examined. Students will learn how to set up their own businesses, analyse the sector, and how to manage risk factors. During the course, every stage including the transformation into practical arena would be examined and students will be able to design their works either individually or as a group.

COMM 303 Global Issues (3,0) 3
In this course, international and global issues that global communities are experiencing will be examined communication in a political, economic, social and environmental context. To this end, human rights, women’s rights, children’s rights, animal rights, democracy, migration, displacement, conflict zones, climate change, sustainability, economic globalization, poverty, resource sharing and transnational institutions, technological development, cultural diversity and identity concepts will be discussed. This course is also designed to provide theoretical background information for the course Communication Strategies for NGOs.

COMM 304 Communication Strategies for NGOs (3,0) 3
Non-Governmental Organizations have to develop and apply specific communication strategies due to their communication with social and political actors and stakeholders, support groups and digital opinion leaders. In this course, effective communication strategies and frameworks for NGO’s for internal and external interactions will be examined to clarify the most appropriate communication tools for developing communication plans to reach defined target groups. In this course, it is expected for students to contact with national and global NGOs for developing creative and solution-oriented strategies. Afterwards, the students will learn to conduct peculiar communication campaigns either as an individual or as a group.

COMM 320 Creative Writing (3,0) 3
This course is designed to explain the techniques of complex storytelling, multi-layered and in-depth stories, scripts and games. The course also covers complex and organic character development, time loop, multi-axis storytelling and theme selection techniques. This course, which is designed in accordance with the field of communication, focuses on developing ad text writing and slogans for design products and teaches students how to express their feelings and thoughts for taking part in web, TV and cinema projects. This course provides the necessary flexibility for writing in various fields of communication, and provides the theoretical and practical knowledge for writing for institutions and advertisements.

COMM 352 Creative Industries (3,0) 3
The aim of this course is to provide students with a detailed understanding of how the knowledge is produced and distributed, and it aims to introduce the media industries in which students will work when they graduate. How technological innovations affect the process of the creation of knowledge and thus its impact on culture and intercultural communication will be questioned in detail. Since theatre, visual arts, cinema, TV, radio, music, publishing, computer games, architecture, design, advertising and fashion are examples of media industries, the communication and interaction process in these different areas are the main topics that will be covered in the course. In other words, this course is a study on how human creates and transforms information, and thus it gives students the knowledge of the global media structure.

COMM 361 Post Production Studio (2,2) 3
This course aims to provide students with advanced knowledge and skills in video editing which is one of the basic stages of film production for digital post production. Editing, sound design, basic composition and color correction will be covered in the course. In order to create a strong technical and aesthetic background in post-production, the courses are taught by focusing both on practical and theoretical knowledge. In the course, students will obtain advanced post-production skills.

COMM 462    Color Theory and Design (2,2) 3
In this course, color theory in the context of digital concepts will be explained and the use of computer-aided colors through different genres and topics will be clarified. In this course, students are expected to produce and transform their own color themes for different design applications. In addition, the course is designed to cover coloring and color correction for film and video.

DIME 301 Intercultural Digital Communication (3,0) 3
The aim of this course is to teach students how to effectively use the resources of the digital world for an international audience with cultural diversity. how to use visual resources for multicultural communication will be explained in detail by means of video, podcast, websites and blogs. The course will provide the theoretical knowledge necessary to analyze the intercultural, multicultural and hybrid forms that emerge with globalization and thus will enable students to understand communication within popular culture. Moreover, it will give intercultural perspective to students and show them how communication problems can be solved in digital context.

DIME 311 Digital Workflow (2,2) 3
Designing the workflow process effectively in digital media management, content management, photo processing, video production or any digital media post production stage is as important as the creation of content. In this course, students will learn how to create content easily and effectively by designing workflow processes through projects using various software and methods.

DIME 401 Digital Aesthetics (3,0) 3
In this course, students will acquire conceptual and critical knowledge in digital arts. The main objective of the course is to provide students with aesthetic concerns and be able to evaluate emerging forms of presentation of digital media and arts.

COMM 302 Creative and Critical Thinking (3,0) 3
This course is designed to introduce students to the basic principles and techniques of creative and critical thinking in order to improve their problem-solving skills and teach them how to obtain knowledge. Moreover, it aims to enable students to assess problems from a different point of view, to find creative solutions for complex problems and right strategies for peculiar occasions and choose right channels and methods to spread their ideas. In this course, students are expected to combine the techniques and strategies of creative and critical thinking with their theoretical knowledge in order to solve contemporary problems in communication either as an individual or in a group work. The course will also include theoretical discussions on the concepts of the history of thought in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

FIDE 400 Feminist Film Analysis (3,0) 3
This course introduces students to feminism(s) and feminist film/screen theories.  The course acquaints students with feminist terminology by providing a survey in feminism(s) from a socio-historical perspective. Following this introductory part, the course revolves its content around what it means to analyze/read moving images from a feminist standing point by examining major concepts in feminist film theory such as genre/women’s genre(s), gaze/look, agency/representation/femininity, color/ intersections (class, race, ethnicity, age), violence, narrative, body politics, pleasure. And finally discusses women’s place behind the camera. This course requires regular attendance and participation, reading and viewing the course materials. Students are expected to complete the required readings and watch the films before coming to class.

Please find below recommended supplies/materials you will need for the department of study:

  • A satisfying laptop
  • Kurgu Programlarından en az bir tanesinin yüklenmiş olması (Adobe Premiere, Final Cut, DaVinci Resolve, etc.)
  • Temel nitelikte DSLR bir kamera